Semester 3 courses

Research Project Literature Survey & Methodology (9 ECTS)
Students are required to carry out a literature survey related to the topic of their Master Thesis. They are expected to complete this task independently to a large extent, though they will have expert guidance from one of the teaching staff and from their thesis supervisor. They will also follow a workshop on effective techniques in research writing and more training in communication skills.

Drug discovery & Pharmaceutical Industries (3 ECTS)
Students will learn about what industrial research is (Intellectual property, Patent, Quality procedures, Biotechnology and Regional Economy, Public policy, Laws on ethics, Biosecurity, Drug development Procedures for drug approval, Economical aspects) and about the kind and level of non scientific skills they need to master to be competitive to find a job or to create new jobs on their own (knowledge transfer and valorisation, entrepreneurship, innovation and university-business cooperation, technology transfer).

Current research in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (6 ECTS)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to analyse and understand the neuronal and brain functions at the cellular and subcellular levels; to describe the use, limits and interest of different approaches (anatomy, genetics, physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry) to the study of neuronal and glial functions and the analysis of elementary mechanisms.

Cognitive Neuroscience (6 ECTS)
This high level course in cognitive neurosciences encompasses hot topics such as learning and memory; structural modelling and brain function; motivation, action planning, anticipation and decision making ; virtual reality and cognition in aging; neuroimaging and brain dysfunctions.

Pathophysiology of Neurological & Psychiatric Diseases (6 ECTS)
This course will provide a link between the science of the brain and the mechanisms and treatment of common neurological and mental health disorders with a variety of topics ranging from autism, post-traumatic stress, neuro-inflammation and depression… to multiple sclerosis and extrapyramidal syndromes.

Neural Networks (6 ECTS)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to analyse and understand how vertebrate and invertebrate neuronal networks work in terms of: cellular and synaptic mechanisms; normal and pathological plasticity; ontogenesis.

Addiction (6 ECTS)
In this course, students will study the various and complex aspects of this disease from multiple fields of research They will learn the definition, varieties and epidemiology of drug addiction, get insights into the interest of animal models of addiction, will understand the effects of drugs on the brain and the known mechanisms of the disease. They will also consider the treatment and prevention of drug addiction.

Behavioural Studies (6 ECTS)
In this course, students learn about the animal models of memory, particular genetically modified animals and behavioural pharmacology. They get a very strong training in hands-on about memory test in rats and mice, stereotactic implantation of canula and intracerebral injections of drugs as well as in other behavioural tests in small laboratory animals.

Pre-clinical and clinical Neuropharmacology (6 ECTS)
In this course, students will learn the neurobiological basis of psychiatric diseases so that they can understand the preclinical pharmacology of psychotropic drugs, how to study them, how they work, what their effects are at all levels (neurobiological, psychological and behavioural), how clinicians use them.

Advanced Topics in Cellular Neuroscience Imaging (6 ECTS)
After revision of a few basic principles, students are introduced to the different types of fluorescence microscopy, including two photon, super resolution (PALM, STED, STORM), miniature microscopes for deep tissue imaging. They see how light is used not only to visualize cells, but also to record and manipulate neuronal activity, and get information from single protein to circuit level. An overview of electron microscopy techniques is also provided.

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  • 5 Good Reasons to Apply

    • An up-to-date core curriculum in Neuroscience
    • Advanced scientific education and training with innovative and interdisciplinary brain research methodology
    • Training through original research aimed at the translation from bench-to-bedside and from bedside-to-bench
    • Friendly and intercultural learning environment
    • Small classes and close faculty contact
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