• Master at a glance

    High standards
    The Bordeaux International Master of Neuroscience is a 2-year (120 ECTS) full-time Neuroscience study program, with a strong emphasis on training in cutting-edge techniques in all major topics of brain research, from molecules to cognition. Its main objective is to foster Neuroscience education and train new brain scientists, by offering a unique interdisciplinary and integrated approach from normal brain function to brain disorders. It is fully international and taught in English. It was launched by the program FIdEx NeuroBIM under the umbrella of the University of Bordeaux and is now part of the new Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program.

    Excellent international teaching
    In Bordeaux, about 30 professors and lecturers in Neuroscience are involved in teaching as well as many neuroscientists and colleagues specialized in physiology, genetics, psychology, modeling, medicine, etc.
    The two years of the International Master of Neuroscience of Bordeaux are shared with students of Neurasmus, an Erasmus + Master program of Neuroscience. Several courses are also shared with exchange students from the University of Tsukuba (Japan) and with local Neuroscience Master students.

    Top Research
    Neuroscience in Bordeaux has grown over the last 20 years to become one of the largest Neuroscience scientific communities in France and in Europe, with over 700 people working in the various Neuroscience laboratories of the University of Bordeaux.
    In order to meet the most important challenges facing Neuroscience research, all these laboratories are grouped within a virtual institute, called the Bordeaux Neurocampus, a multidisciplinary consortium of world-renowned scientists (www.bordeaux-neurocampus.fr).
    Bordeaux Neurocampus offers, together with our international academic partners, excellent opportunities for traineeships.

  • Quick Facts

    • 2-year Master Program, 120 ECTS
    • Fully international and taught in English
    • Advanced education and training by leading faculty
    • Innovative and interdisciplinary brain research
    • Opportunities for international mobility
  • French Version / Version Française

    And for those who are not so fluent in English, see the excellent "Multipublic" Neuroscience program and click here!

    Et pour les francophones qui doutent encore de leur anglais, voici un autre excellent parcours de Master de Neurosciences à l'Université de Bordeaux, destiné à un public large (cliquer ici).

  • News

  • apply-now
  • 5 Good Reasons To Apply

    • An up-to-date core curriculum in Neuroscience
    • Advanced scientific education and training with innovative and interdisciplinary brain research methodology
    • Training through original research aimed at the translation from bench-to-bedside and from bedside-to-bench
    • Friendly and intercultural learning environment
    • Small classes and close faculty contact
  • Contact Information

    Prof Daniel L Voisin

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