Semester 1 courses

Scientific Communication (3 ECTS)
Upon completion of this course, students will have understood the basic philosophy of the conception and communication of Neuroscience research work. They will be able to identify and ask clearly an experimental question, to explain and describe the following steps: problem – experimental question – experiments. They will know how to present results objectively, to give a critical discussion of the data, to summarize the main findings and provide some significance to the work.
They will be able to prepare and present effective oral and written presentations in Neuroscience.

Statistics and neural data analysis (3 ECTS)
In this course, students learn how to conceive experimental designs, to use appropriate statistical and data analysis tools and to interpret statistical results. They get a first approach of processing complex data in Neuroscience.

Tutored Project (3 ECTS)
In this course, students learn how to analyse (SWOT analysis) and present a Neuroscience research project. They will be able to identify the main points of a Neuroscience project and make a proper summary. They will finally discover the practical aspects of their possible future in Neuroscience (academy, industry and other jobs).

Functional Neuroanatomy (5 ECTS)
The objectives of the Neuroanatomy course are to show how Neuroanatomy is a living, dynamic field that needs to be grasped in order to build an understanding of brain functions and how they relate to structure. Students will also be led into the modern avenues of Neuroanatomy (brain data and functional architecture) and its critical relevance to clinical practice. Teaching methods include puzzles and conundrums, movies and 3D-constructions, drawing experience, clinical cases and hands on in the lab, and rely on a step-by-step approach.

Neurophysiology (4 ECTS)
This course provides the students with an essential theoretical framework for neurophysiology, so that they understand how the nervous system communicates and processes information, from basic electrical properties to synaptic plasticity. The course also gives an overview of the techniques used to monitor cellular activity, including specific hands on in modern Neuroscience labs using cutting edge techniques in the field.

Molecular Neurobiology (4 ECTS)
This course explores the major areas of molecular neurobiology, from genes to the functions of cells of the nervous system. Material provides an essential theoretical framework in molecular neurobiology as well as practical approaches on cell culture and regulation of gene expression. It focuses on major concepts and recent advances in experimental molecular Neuroscience.

Neuropharmacology (4 ECTS)
The objective of the Neuropharmacology course is to give the knowledge and the scientific background sufficient to understand the orientations or the pharmaceutical options for the treatment of the various pathologies of the central nervous system. A core teaching will present the basis of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. A core course will present the pharmacological basis of important drugs such as antipsychotics and antidepressant drugs and will also cover the physiology and the pathophysiology of the main neurotransmitter systems.

Higher Brain Functions (4 ECTS)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand the relationships between cognition and biology, to analyse molecular and cellular changes related to cognitive processes, to describe the different levels of complexity (from molecular to system levels) of high order cognitive processes and how they interact, to catch some insights on how cognitive functions are emerging properties of brain activity

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  • 5 Good Reasons to Apply

    • An up-to-date core curriculum in Neuroscience
    • Advanced scientific education and training with innovative and interdisciplinary brain research methodology
    • Training through original research aimed at the translation from bench-to-bedside and from bedside-to-bench
    • Friendly and intercultural learning environment
    • Small classes and close faculty contact
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