
In order to obtain your student card, you must pay a national yearly fee. The amount of this fee is determined every year by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. This fee is retained by the University no matter the duration of the studies. It comprises the CVEC, payable online before registration (103 EUR in 2024-2025) and a yearly fee payable in one during the registration process (250 EUR in 2024-2025).

In 2024-2024 the yearly tuition fees for all NeuroBIM students, whatever their nationality, were 103 + 250 euros, but that they may rise in 2025-2026.Finally and depending on your situation, you may have to pay for the French social security scheme and complementary health insurance.

  • apply-now
  • 5 Good Reasons to Apply

    • An up-to-date core curriculum in Neuroscience
    • Advanced scientific education and training with innovative and interdisciplinary brain research methodology
    • Training through original research aimed at the translation from bench-to-bedside and from bedside-to-bench
    • Friendly and intercultural learning environment
    • Small classes and close faculty contact
  • Contact Information

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