We have built up an international education network of academic partners that offer excellent opportunities for traineeships. They include the University of Tsukuba (Japan), Washington University in St. Louis (USA), Laval University (Quebec, Canada) and McGill University (Montreal, Canada). Their proposals are fully integrated in our own offer of Master 1 and Master 2 traineeships. International traineeships are also made available in other excellent universities from Japan, Canada, the US, Germany, UK, Denmark, Switzerland.
In addition, there are opportunities for Bordeaux Neuroscience Master students to apply to the Summer Research Program at the University of Tsukuba.
Though internationally oriented industrial consortia such as Pierre Fabre, Sanofi, Glaxo-SmithKline, Janssen, Convergence Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Servier, Medday Pharmaceuticals… students will have access to Pharma multinationals for Master 2 traineeships.
They can also get training in clinical research oriented towards neurological and psychiatric diseases, in particular addiction, in different clinical departments of the nearby University Hospital of Bordeaux (CHU).